Sunday, December 11, 2011

Process Journal 5

process 5
 Reflect on your use of the design cycle. What in your opinion is the most important stage in the design cycle? What steps in the design cycle are you most likely to revisit in your process (For example will you plan and plan again, create and recreate, evaluate and reevaluate, etc.)? What was the most challenging stage in the process? How have you used your problem solving and inquiry skills in the design cycle?
in my opinion i think the step of evaluation is the most important step of the design cycle because this tell you if your product would sell at all and me a good product that people would like. im most likey to revisit the design cycle to edit a couple of stuff like colors and pictures.the most challenging stage for me was the planning stage cause i had to start from scratch i didnt know where to start from.  i used my problem solving skills by just doing alot of research to help me complete most of my product.

Process Journal 4

process 4
 Reflect on your use of the design cycle. What in your opinion is the most important stage in the design cycle? What steps in the design cycle are you most likely to revisit in your process (For example will you plan and plan again, create and recreate, evaluate and reevaluate, etc.)? What was the most challenging stage in the process? How have you used your problem solving and inquiry skills in the design cycle?
in my opinion i think the step of evaluation is the most important step of the design cycle because this tell you if your product would sell at all and me a good product that people would like. im most likey to revisit the design cycle to edit a couple of stuff like colors and pictures.the most challenging stage for me was the planning stage cause i had to start from scratch i didnt know where to start from.  i used my problem solving skills by just doing alot of research to help me complete most of my product.

Process Journal 3

process 3
the purpose of evaluating a product is to determine what your going too make off of that product and see how successful itll be. just in case it doesnt work out too great youve already evaluated the product so you have a basic idea of the products significance. in my evalluation i will have fellow classmates giving there opinion on my product. they will answer questions that will allow me to determine the value of my product and how successful itll be. some possible changes i will make are more info on the artist color and picture changes. depending on how many people like a certain number of things about my product i will know i have conducted a good evaluation.

Process Journal 2

process 2
on the desighn cycle im am up to making the album cover on adobe photoshop. but i still have to do some stuff that hasnt been done yet.this week i have acomplished finding an image of my artist to edit and ive written the audience my artist would appeal to. the steps ive taken are go on the internet, and find a good picture of my artist that i want to use and saved it to my pictures. then i put it in adobe photoshop and made it into  my album cover. the challenges ive encounteed was not knowing how to edit my album cover. my next goal is to catch up and do everyhting i didnt do to catch up.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Homework #1

. If branding targets prospects to recognize its product as having a solution to a problem, what problem does your brand address? 
My brand will cover all issues involving sports.

2. What solution does your brand offer?
Comfortable sports gear for every sport. Nike provides mouth pieces which protect the oral area, such as your mouth and teeth and tongue, so you wont harm then during the sport activity. 

3. Does the brand clearly convey that message? Explain how.
No because all it is, is a check you would have to look into a "Nike" catalog or be a consumer of the merchandise. 

4. Do you identify with the message? Explain why.
Yes, because i am a consumer of this product.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Entry #4.1-Design Task (A)

I must create a Cereal box, based on Marcus Garvey. Adding quotes, ans pictures and facts about Marcus Garvey. Also following Blog Entires about this project.

Blog Entry #3.13- Completed Poster (D)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Entry # 3.6- Country Research (A)

  1. Name of Country: Philippines
       2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)

        3. Basic Facts
    1. Capital City: The capital Is Manila, also known as Maynila.
    2. Population: The Population As of 2011 91,983,000
    3. Monetary Unit/Currency: Its a Philippinr Peso.
    4. Official Language(s): Filipino, English
4. Current Leader: The current President Of The Philippines is, Benigno S. Aquino III. Since June 30th, 2010.

5. Flag: 

6. Map of Country: 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blog Entry #3.4 - Process Journal 1 (C)

Thus far in my project so far all i need is my 9 or more pictures, and all my other following requirements that are needed for this project. I already have a feel and an idea of what i want to do with this project. What i have to do when i officially start this project is make sure i make my posters attractive as much as i can, and make sure my blogs are very detailed and interesting so i can pass this project and get a better grade than i got last semester.

Blog Entry #3.3 - Poster Research (A)

This poster stood out to me the most because of its "Spunk" this poster made me grin, it was very unique. The poster had a very high  sense of humor. What i like the most cause it seem to target beautiful independent women just hanging and lounging around having a few drinks, enjoying themselves. These females in the poster seem to be interested in a enjoyable scenery, and being in each others presence. This poster introduced the cultural side of Australia, and luxurious parts of Australia. This poster is the best of them all.

Blog Entry #3.2 - Dream Destination (A)

If i were able to travel to a country for free it will definitely be Barcelona, Spain. I would travel there because of my interest to play against some of the greatest basketball players in that country. Also to eat some of the different style of food, and listen to the different genres of music. During this visit i would like to meet some beautiful young ladies and become friends with people of a different race than i am. I think experiencing this trip will be a great story to share and a very fun, exciting trip.

Blog Entry #3.1 - Design Task (A)

In this project, we must create a poster that will attract people to visit that certain country. In my case i will be making a poster of Philippines, In my poster i must inquire Several photos at the minimum of 9, text, color, a background, maps, and the currency. We also have to complete numerous numbers of blogs.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog Entry #15-Process Journal 4

My greeting cards are some what successful, Although i completed 4 of them everything on both the inside and out side are completed. I just don't have them to present because i had problems remembering my password. What i can improve are my sayings they can make more sense to my consumers, i can make it more understandable.

Blog Entry #13-Process Journal 3

My greeting cards are some what successful, Although i completed 4 of them everything on both the inside and out side are completed. I just don't have them to present because i had problems remembering my password. What i can improve are my sayings they can make more sense to my consumers, i can make it more understandable.

Blog Entry #12

The Blogs I Completed are on the schools computer, i wasn't able to post my completed post cards because of my problems with my Blogger password. Now that i'm at home where i really put a lot of thought for about 45mins. to figure out what my password was, ive been successful of remembering but its too late so all i have is my blogs, instead of my post cards.

Blog Entry #2.11-Process Journal 2

Thus far I've completed all my blogs up until this entry here. This is a rough project right now for me, because here i am on Monday, January 24th at 7:53pm with no post cards to post. Because of my lack of memory and responsibility i forgot my Blogger password, so during class on Friday i couldnt send in my post cards to Mr. Wang. Although i have no post cards to post i must continue my project and hopefully can still get a decent grade to pass this class this last marking period. So as i come to this conclusion, i must say my work will be completed!